Vice President
Tyler brings the 4th generation to the Travel Agency. Growing up in Asheville, NC, Tyler spent a lot of time around the agency. He says his best memories from childhood are those from traveling with his family all around the world. Some places he has traveled to include, Spain, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Austria, Luxemburg, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Israel, Jamaica, and all over the United States.
He has worked part time for the agency for over 8 years and attended Appalachian State University where he received a degree in Business Management from the Walker College of Business. He is very happy to work with people who he has grown up around and often says that everyone at the office is part of the family.
Since 2010 Tyler has worked with many church leaders and non-profit organizations to help them with their travel needs. From our group trips to biblical lands like Israel, Greece, Turkey, Italy to reformation tours in Europe, Mission and Humanitarian aid travel all over the globe.
Tyler’s focus for Wilcox Travel is marketing and sales where he is continuing to connect our staff and services with organizations across the country.