Tour Hosts
Tim & Tammy Young
Bain & Walters
8 Day Tour of Italy with Houston First Baptist Church




Private Group - HFB Church Registrations Only

  • Current round-trip economy class air fare from Houston Intercontinental (IAH) to Rome on Lufthansa Airlines. 
  • Current airport departure taxes, fuel surcharges, customs & security fees.
  • Superior First Class (4 star) hotel accommodations throughout (6 nights)
  • Breakfast and dinner daily, including a farewell dinner.
  • Comprehensive daily sightseeing per itinerary by private deluxe motor coach with qualified driver and English-speaking, licensed guide/escort, who meets you upon arrival after clearing Italian customs (as per itinerary) and stays with the group throughout until returning you to the airport for your flight to U.S.A.
  • Entrance fees to all sightseeing, including Pompei, Minturno, Colosseum & Roman Forum, Mamertine Prison, Basilica of St. Clemente, Insula of St. Pauolo alla Regola, Catacombs, Vatican Museums, Sistine Chapel, St. Peter’s Basilica and Pantheon.
  • Local guides in Pompei and Rome.
  • All transfers and porterage (one suitcase per person).
  • All tipping to hotel and restaurant personnel, porters, drivers, and guides.
  • Wilcox World Travel and Tours Flight Bag.
  • Single room supplement (No more availability)
  • Trip Insurance: baggage, cancellation, medical, etc.
  • Beverages with meals or meals not specifically mentioned, i.e., lunches  
  • Passports
  • Personal items and immunizations
Naples Apr. 2-3, 2025 Montespina Park Hotel
Foro Appio Apr. 4, 2025 Foro Appio Mansio Hotel
Rome Apr. 5-7, 2025 Best Western Hotel President


*Please read the General Terms & Conditions for applicable Deposit, Cancellation and Refund information.

  • Air Transportation
  • Land Transportation and Transfers
  • Accommodations
  • Meals
  • Baggage
  • Service Charges and Taxes
  • Not Included
  • Insurance
  • Important Passport Information
  • VISA
  • Deposits and Payments
  • Guests with Disabilities
  • Participating Air Carriers
  • Responsibility
  • Cancellations and Refunds
  • NOTE
Travel Insurance (Optional)

We strongly urge you to consider purchasing trip insurance.

This can protect you from unanticipated events while you are traveling, many with catastrophic financial effects. Most people cannot absorb this cost on their own, so why take a chance?
Wilcox acts as an agent for Allianz Travel Insurance and we will process the purchase of the insurance should you choose it. However, you are welcome to seek out other options that may be available. It is important to us that you are prepared and covered for any unforeseen circumstances that may arise.

As and agent for Allianz Travel Insurance we offer a special Group rate (applicable to all ages). It's important to note that for the exclusions for pre-existing medical conditions to be waived insurance  must be purchased prior to the balance due date. 
See below for cost details:

*Double Occupancy: $330.00 Per person
*Including Cost of Single Supplement: $395.00 Per Person  

You can view a sample policy HERE  or visit Allianz Travel Insurance for more details


Registration Form
You also have the option to submit your deposit and registration by mail. Simply click on the link below to download and print the registration form. Once completed mail to: 
Wilcox World Travel and Tours
International Group Tours Division
37 Maxwell Drive, Suite 2
Hendersonville, NC 28791
Day by Day Travel Itinerary
  • DAY 01 Tue . Apr . 01
    We will meet at Bush Intercontinental Airport and travel to Rome. Meals and snacks will be served on the airplane. 
  • DAY 02 Wed . Apr . 02
    Upon arrival at Fiumicino airport near Rome, we will be met by our Tour Manager and make our way to Pozzuoli (Putuoli) on Bay of Naples, where Paul first entered the mainland of the peninsula. We will pass by the ancient amphitheater and have an overview of the seaport of Pozzuoli and the ancient marketplace to recall a small touch of what Paul may have experienced when he arrived. We will check into our hotel in Naples for dinner and two overnights. 
  • DAY 03 Thu . Apr . 03
    After breakfast, we will begin our journey with a tour to Amalfi. The Amalfi Coast, connecting Sorrento with Amalfi, is widely considered Italy’s most scenic stretch of coastline, a landscape of towering bluffs, pastel-hued villages. Deemed by UNESCO “an outstanding example of a Mediterranean landscape, with exceptional cultural and natural scenic values,” the coast was awarded a coveted spot on the World Heritage list in 1997. We will have time for lunch and exploring in Amalfi. In the afternoon on our return, we will have a panoramic view of the Bay of Naples where we will be able to observe its seaport and have breathtaking views of Mt. Vesuvius.  Return to the hotel for dinner and overnight stay. 
  • DAY 04 Fri . Apr . 04
    After breakfast, we depart for Pompeii, where we will be joined by our local guide to have an archeological journey through the ancient city. Buried under a layer of ashes and pyroclastic flow by a sudden eruption of Vesuvius in 79 CE, the city shows us Roman life frozen in time to that of the early apostles. We will visit houses, shops, temples, squares, streets and even some of the darker quarters of the city, such as the “Lupanare” (house of prostitutes) and the “Suburbane Thermae “(with its graphic frescos). As we make our way north, we will rejoin the ancient Appian roadway traveled by Paul, stopping at the partially restored ruins of the Roman village of Minturno. We continue on for our overnight in Foro Appio in the nearby “Mansio Hotel”. A mansio was an official stopping place along a Roman road maintained by the central government for the use of those traveling on official business. In such a place, Paul could have hosted the early believers and drawn some encouragement. Our evening will include a unique experience with a dinner based on some ancient traditional Roman recipes. 
  • DAY 05 Sat . Apr . 05
    After breakfast, we will depart Foro Appio and make our way to the Eternal City. We will begin our walking tour along the Via dei Fori Imperiali and observe the ruins of the Imperial center of Rome. Other important edifices, like the Forum of Trajan, the biggest and most splendid of markets of its time, became the forerunners of our modern malls offering Roman citizens the full array of goods of the Roman world. We will view the Capitoline Hill, the former political and religious center of the town, which today is the seat of the Municipality of Rome. The stairway opens to the Piazza del Campidoglio, a magnificent result of a project by Michelangelo, built around a copy of the most famous equestrian statue in the world, that of the stoic Emperor Marcus Aurelius. Behind Piazza del Campidoglio a natural terrace will offer us the best panoramic view of the valley of the Roman Forum and the Palatine Hill. We will view the Mammertime Prison and our visit to the Arch of Constantine, will remind us of the victory of the emperor over Maxentius in the 4th century CE that gave rise to the legalization and later adoption of Christianity. Next, we visit the Colosseum, stage for the historical fights of the gladiators where thousands of people (including many Christians) and animals perished. After a break for lunch, we will visit the Basilica of San Clemente. We will be reminded of the early companions of Paul, traveling to the Aventine Hill to the traditional home of Priscillla and Aquila, (based on a C5th CE document) now located below the Church of Santa Prisca. After our visit, we will make our way to our hotel for dinner and overnight.
  • DAY 06 Sun . Apr . 06
    With yesterday’s experience of the Roman world and its imperial center in mind, we begin the day following the steps of St. Paul, recalling both his first and second visits to the city, as well as setting the execution in both geography and history. We will begin our visit the Insula di San Paolo alla Regola, an important possible place for Paul’s first visit and house arrest in about 62 AD. This place references the early belief that “Paul took a rented horreum” where he could likely invite, teach and comfort the small but growing Christian community. From this possible site of Paul’s outreach, we will travel to the “Abbey of the Three Fountains” – the place of Paul’s martyrdom. We journey next to the Basilica of “St. Paul Outside the Walls” on the Via Ostiense, the resting place for the body of Paul. After recalling the work of the Apostle Paul, we will continue to the northern end of the ancient Via Appia, to visit the Catacombs of Santa Domitilla. Early Christian art and history are preserved below ground at these early burial and memorial places, with some markings suggesting celebration of the anniversaries of Christian martyrs (following similar Roman customs). We will board our bus and time allowing continue our Roman visit at Basilica of San John di Lateran, which became among the most important Christians Churches of Rome.  When Constantine opened the Roman world to Christianity, his apparent conversion was symbolized by the donation of a significant family property for this Basilica. The important Lateran Baptistery reminds us of the many early converts to the faith, and the process of moving it from a rogue influence to a sponsored and ordered faith. Dinner and overnight at our hotel.
  • DAY 07 Mon . Apr . 07
    This morning, we will be enriched and overwhelmed by the art and beauty found in our visit the Vatican Museums. Your guide will show you the Apartments of Julius II, splendidly decorated by Raphael and his assistants, and then the Sistine Chapel, where you will admire one of the highest masterpieces of art: the Genesis and the Last Judgment by Michelangelo, that have gained their original splendor after the latest restorations. Leaving the Sistine Chapel and going down the Royal Stairway, projected by Bernini, the guide will conduct you to the Basilica of St. Peter which gathers inside 2000 years of history and famous works of art such as the Pieta by Michelangelo. The visit ends at St Peter’s Square. This afternoon we enjoy some leisure time. Have lunch at Trevi Fountain, walk on Condotti Street in the fashion district of Spanish Steps, visit Piazza Navona or the Pantheon. Tonight, we’ll enjoy our farewell dinner at the local ristorante Tempo di Baccio.
  • DAY 08 Tue . Apr . 08
    We will be taken to the airport for our flight home. We will cherish the memories of the early church, and Paul the Apostle’s life that changed the course of Christendom.

Contact information

Wilcox World Travel and Tours
37 Maxwell Drive, Suite 2,
Hendersonville, NC 28791
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